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initial support中文是什么意思

用"initial support"造句"initial support"怎么读"initial support" in a sentence


  • 初始支撑位
  • "initial"中文翻译    adj. 最初的,开始的;原始的;初期的,初发的。 th ...
  • "support"中文翻译    vt. 1.支承,支撑;支持;支援,维护。 2.援助;拥 ...
  • "as initial" 中文翻译 :    与最初相同
  • "initial" 中文翻译 :    adj. 最初的,开始的;原始的;初期的,初发的。 the initial boiling point 【化学】初馏点〔第一滴馏物滴下时的温度〕。 the initial cost [expenditure] 开办费。 the initial difficulties 开始的困难。 the initial issue of a magazine 杂志的创刊号。 the initial public offering (股票的)首期上市,初次公开发行。 the initial stage 初期,开始阶段。 an initial letter 词首字母。 an initial signature 仅用姓名词首字母的签名。 an initial word 词首字母缩略词〔如 NATO〕。 n. 词首字母,词首大写字母;〔pl.〕 姓名中的大写字母 〔如 John Smith 中的J. S.〕。 vt. (-l(l)ed, -l(l)ing) 在…上记上姓名的词首字母,用词首字母在…上署名;【政治学】草签,临时签署(条约等)。 an initialled handkerchief 记有姓名第一字母的手帕。 n. -ism 词首字母缩略词。 adv. -ly 起初,开始。
  • "initial to" 中文翻译 :    草签文件
  • "with initial" 中文翻译 :    有大写字母
  • "in support" 中文翻译 :    后备
  • "in support of" 中文翻译 :    考虑到这种情况; 维护…;支持…;证实…; 以便支持; 以便支援; 支持, 支援; 支持,拥护; 支援;支持;拥护
  • "support" 中文翻译 :    vt. 1.支承,支撑;支持;支援,维护。 2.援助;拥护,赞助。 3.扶养,赡养(家属);资助,维持。 4.鼓舞,激励。 5.忍受,忍耐。 6.证明,证实。 7.【戏剧】扮演(角色);配,为…担任配角;【音乐】为…伴奏。 support towns with electricity to 向城镇供电。 I can't support this heat. 我忍受不了这样的热度。 The speaker was supported on the platform by the mayor. 演讲人在讲台上有市长陪着。 support a family 养家活口。 support oneself 自谋生计。 n. 1.支持,维持;支持者;支柱,支座,撑体;桁架。 2.扶助,援助;鼓励;拥护;赞成,赞助。 3.抚养,赡养;生计,活计,衣食;赡养费。 4.【军事】支援部队,预备队;【音乐】伴奏(部);【戏剧】助演(者),配角。 a support of the state 国家的栋梁。 Price supports 〔美国〕(政府给农民的)补助金。 enlist the support of 争取(某人的)支持。 give support to 支持,支援。 in support of 支持;支援;拥护。 adj. -less
  • "support for" 中文翻译 :    对……的支持
  • "support in" 中文翻译 :    碰网柱好球
  • "initial; standing initial" 中文翻译 :    首字母
  • "antheridial initial" 中文翻译 :    精子器原始细胞
  • "apical initial" 中文翻译 :    顶端原始细胞,顶端新生组织
  • "archegonial initial" 中文翻译 :    颈卵器原始细胞
  • "be in the initial stage" 中文翻译 :    处在创始阶段
  • "call initial to" 中文翻译 :    开始进场时呼叫
  • "cambial initial" 中文翻译 :    形成层原始细胞
  • "cambium initial" 中文翻译 :    形成层原始细胞
  • "conidium initial" 中文翻译 :    分生孢子原
  • "course; initial" 中文翻译 :    初航线
  • "d initial" 中文翻译 :    d头文字
  • "endosperm initial" 中文翻译 :    胚乳原始细胞
  • "failure, initial" 中文翻译 :    初始故障
  • "first(initial)" 中文翻译 :    最初的,第一


  • We already have the initial support of the banking community , which has been diligently following international developments on the subject and making its own preparations
  • Since the green house will finally enter the market and be due to change of demand and supply after the initial support of policy , it ' s important to find out how about the green demand of house market
  • Combined with the examples of leigongshan tunnel project which is from pingshan of shenzhen to xichong , tunnel advance support pre - reinforcing technology and initial support construction technology are deeply discussed in this article
  • Combined with the real example of monitoring pressure on the supporting system in the long span underground space of dk7 + 692 section at jiao - xin line of chongqing light railway , it is set forth the methods about choosing the support system and its parameter , digging methods of underground space , measuring and testing methods for the stress of the support system ; the testing results and variation pattern were analyzed for the stress of the initial supporting i - steel axial stress of bolt , stress of shot - concrete , supporting pressure of temporary i - steel and stress of steel of the second lining , then , the reason for deformation of the support system induced by sharp increase of i - steel was determined
    摘要结合重庆市轻轨较新线大坪车站大跨度地下空间dk7 + 692断面施工支护体应力监测的工程实例,阐述了该大跨度地下空间支护结构的参数选择、地下空间的开挖方法、支护体结构的应力量测方法及测试手段;分析了支护体初期支护工字钢拱应力、锚杆轴力、喷射混凝土内应力、临时工字钢支撑应力、二次衬砌钢筋应力等测试结果和变化规律;确定了工字钢拱应力急剧增大而可能引起支护体系失稳的原因。
  • In order to assure the stability of surrounding rock and initial supports , construction monitor procedure is designed . the method for field survey , data processing , rock stability censoring and unstable rock controlling are also provided in the thesis to ensure the efficiency of the construction
  • Special attention should be paid to the flat tunnel with outsized span at shallow depth . apart from some common surveys , it is quite necessary to survey initial support stress , which is conducive to directly and accurately understanding changes of stress in surrounding rock and can provide helpful guidelines for governing tunnel construction in an importantly practical way
用"initial support"造句  
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